We can suffer righteously because Christ suffered victoriously. Click on title above to watch video.
It is a blessing to suffer as Christ suffered. Click on title above to watch video.
We are reconciled by Christ's death.
Serve one another in submission to God. Audio Only
Endure unjust suffering for others because Christ endured unjust suffering for us. Click on title above to watch video.
Submit to human authorities as free servants of God. Click on title above to watch video.
As beloved exiles, war with your sin to witness for God's glory. Click on title above to watch video.
In Christ we are built up into a priestly and proclaiming people. ***We had an equipment issue and the end of service is cut off*** Click on title above to…
Live out your new life in genuine community and growing maturity. Click on title above to watch video.
Our future hope produces present holiness. Click on title above to watch video.
Our precious faith in Christ brings us into a living hope for an eternal salvation. (Click on the title to watch video)
1 Peter is a charge for chosen exiles to stand firm in the hope of God's grace as we face the hostility of the world. (Click on the title to…
Who is like the Lord, who brings salvation out of judgment? (Click on title to watch video)