Welcome To Weymouth Community Church
Weekly Events
Sunday School 9:00am
Community Room 10:00am Join us for coffee and donuts
Nursery Room 10:30am Open for all babies and toddlers
Worship Service 10:30am Children will be dismissed to Children’s Church before message
Prayer with Elaine Jackson 8am Join Elaine and a group who are committed to praying with each
Youth Group 6-8pm
Youth are invited to the last swim party of 2022 at the Iacona’s! Bring some food to share and your swimsuit. RSVP in the Church Center App
Coming Events
Register for all events in the Church Center App under “Signups”
- Ladies Night/Welcome Laura! Tuesday, Sept 13th 6:30pm
Bring any type of salad and come to the Community Room for some fellowship time and to
welcome Laura to our church and Medina with the WCC ladies. - Men’s Breakfast Saturday Sept 17th 7:30am
All men and their school aged sons are invited to come to the Community Room for break-
fast, devotions and fellowship. - Connected Threads Tuesday Sept 20th 9:30am-1pm
Bring your craft project and a lunch and enjoy some fellowship time with the ladies in the
Community Room. - Sam Luncheon Thursday Oct 13th noon
All seniors are invited to join us in the Community Room for lunch and fellowship. - Playground and Pumpkin Potluck Sunday Oct 16th noon
Bring a dish to share, a friend or two and come join the fun! We will decorate pumpkins
and enjoy time together outside in this beautiful fall weather!
Garfield Elementary Collection
We are collecting the following supplies for Garfield Elementary School: individually packaged/nut free snacks, crayons, expo markers, glue sticks and wide ruled notebooks. Please place them in the bins in the Welcome Center by September 11th.
New Bible Studies Starting Soon…
- Ladies AM Bible Study Thursday Sept 15th 9:30-11:30am
Bonnie Manfull is leading a a new study titled “Be Determined” by Warren Wiersby. Dr. Wiersby will lead us in the study of God’s strategic call to Nehemiah. Nehemiah will teach us how God will lead us in physical, emotional and spiritual reconstruction in spite of difficulties and opposition. - Ladies PM Bible Study Thursday Sept 15th 6:30-8pm
Ladies, you’re invited to meet with us on Thurs evenings (6:30-8, Sept. 15-Nov 3). We’ll read and discuss Psalm 119 to see the beauty and blessing of the Word’s purpose in our lives. You’ll need your Bible and a notebook and pen. Sign up in the Church Center “Signups” or at the Welcome Center. If you have any questions, contact Debbie Mason.
Special Request
At any time, if you have a special request for yourself or on behalf of someone else, please contact the Care Team @ is care@weymouthchurch.com. All requests will be confidential and only shared with the members of the Elders and the Care Team.
Live Stream
Can’t make it in person? Watch us live at: https://live.weymouthchurch.com
Options for Giving
- Mail your check to the church
- Give online- go to weymouthchurch.com; click Give Online; click Make a Donation; and follow the directions.
- Use a giving envelope at the worship service and place it in the black box.
We would love to talk more with you! If you have any questions or would like to talk more about what our church believes, please find Pastor Chris at the end of the service. You can also go to our website https://weymouthchurch.com or check out our Facebook page.
If you have a prayer request, please contact the office during these hours. You may also submit a request by clicking the “Prayer Request” button near the bottom of our home page at weymouthchurch.com
330-723-1750 or office@weymouthchurch.com – church office
Weymouth Community Church
2756 Stony Hill Rd
Medina, OH 44256