We are excited to announce that this fall we will be launching Weymouth Family Nights every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm, starting on September 6, 2023.
The purpose of these nights is to provide an accessible mid-week gathering for people of all ages to be engaged and equipped in God’s Word. This will be a great time for our church family to connect, and a great opportunity to invite non-Christian friends and neighbors to join in.
Each Weymouth Family Night will consist of four different meetings :
Tough Texts Class
Growing out of our Parent Connect group, this is a class for adults of all ages, focused on learning how to study the challenging, confusing, or controversial passages of Scripture. This class will be led by Chris Durbin in the Prayer Room.
Learn more here.
Weymouth Students
A youth group for 6-12th grade students. A space for students to have fun and dive into the Bible together.
Weymouth Kids
Activities for kids 5th grade and below. This will include childcare for nursery age kids, as well as fun activities for preschool and elementary age kids.
Prayer Meeting
A Bible study and prayer group for adults in any stage of life. A space for adults to learn how to pray together in response to God’s Word.
We are excited for the opportunity to gather together as a church family, and to invite others to join with us on Wednesdays this fall!
If you have any questions about these Family Nights, or would like to get in touch for any reason, feel free to contact Chris Durbin at cdurbin@weymouthchurch.com.